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Are you an NTSE aspirant and looking for the best institution for coaching? So doon toppers are here with their experience and unique learning methodology, .joining coaching classes and increasing your chance to succeed. Doon toppers are here to provide the proper guidance for cracking the NTSE exam.

Start on March 24, 2021

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more than 99% of students rate this course content and results as Super
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What is the NTSE exam?

NTSE stands for the national talent research examination, which is conducted by a national council of education research and training (NCERT)on a national level and grants scholarships to those who are studying in class10th. The NTSE exam is only conducted for class 10th students in 2 stages.

1st stage is a state-level program conducted by all Indian states and union territories. On the other hand, stage 2nd was conducted for those who cleared 1st stage. This is the main criterion. NTSE is a scholarship program granted to those students pursuing further studies in the science and social science field.

• For medical students

If you are an MBBS student and do not qualify for the entrance examination, you have another option in this circumstance. You can be admitted to foreign universities which provide you with a medical education of good quality at very affordable prices—in this case, learning a foreign language I very important for connecting with people.

Advanced Sheets Styling

Creating a generic style for an element or a class

Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor. In at dapibus massa.

For engineering

For those pursuing engineering abroad, learning a foreign language can be very helpful for their skills.

Adaptive layout making

Making Your Design Adaptive

Proin in ullamcorper urna. Sed tincidunt, nisl sit amet vulputate auctor, elit massa pulvinar ipsum

For teacher and lecturer

If you are interested in teaching and have a masters in the French language. Then, the French government hires you to teach French.

Moved the site to WordPress

Migrate your WordPress site in 5 simple steps

Duis luctus, est ut viverra convallis, risus erat convallis tellus, eu ullamcorper nibh eros

Career as a translator and interpreter

If you are interested in blogging, content writing, translators, etc. Learning different languages gives you a chance to express your views.

Editing and adding content

Add And Edit Content. Inline Edition. Seo tools

Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor. In at dapibus massa.


NCERT has defined an age limit for the students to appear for the exam should be below 18 by JULY 2023.


NTSE eligibility for stage 1st

Candidate must be a student of class 10th

No domicile restriction.

Students must be under 18, not employed, and appear 1st time in class10th board examination.


NTSE eligibility for stage 2nd

Only those students eligible who clear stage 1st.the roll number, venue, date of examination, and other details were only provided to selected students by NCERT through the website.

• For medical students

If you are an MBBS student and do not qualify for the entrance examination, you have another option in this circumstance. You can be admitted to foreign universities which provide you with a medical education of good quality at very affordable prices—in this case, learning a foreign language I very important for connecting with people.

Advanced Sheets Styling

Creating a generic style for an element or a class

Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor. In at dapibus massa.

For engineering

For those pursuing engineering abroad, learning a foreign language can be very helpful for their skills.

Adaptive layout making

Making Your Design Adaptive

Proin in ullamcorper urna. Sed tincidunt, nisl sit amet vulputate auctor, elit massa pulvinar ipsum

For teacher and lecturer

If you are interested in teaching and have a masters in the French language. Then, the French government hires you to teach French.

Moved the site to WordPress

Migrate your WordPress site in 5 simple steps

Duis luctus, est ut viverra convallis, risus erat convallis tellus, eu ullamcorper nibh eros

Career as a translator and interpreter

If you are interested in blogging, content writing, translators, etc. Learning different languages gives you a chance to express your views.

Editing and adding content

Add And Edit Content. Inline Edition. Seo tools

Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor. In at dapibus massa.


All course – 3 Units ( 320 hours)


80 Hours

Antonyms, Reading Comprehension, English Grammar, Rearrangement of Jumbled Words, One-word substitution, Sentence Completion, Paragraph Completion, Synonym,

13 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks
Skills You Get: An overview of C++

80 Hours

Agriculture ,BiosphereCulture, Science and Literature,Diversity and Livelihood,Early States, French Revolution ,Indian Constitution ,Indian Freedom Struggle, Industrial Revolution ,Internal Structureof the Earth and Rocks ,Jainism, Buddhism and Conquerors from Distant Lands ,Major Domains and Landforms ,Medieval Architecture and Culture ,Nationalism in Various Countries ,New Empires and Kingdoms ,Popular Movements and Social Reforms ,Resources and Development ,The Delhi Sultanate ,The Mauryas ,UN and International Agencies ,Vedic Period ,World History ,Atmosphere ,British RajDemocracy and ElectionsEarly Medieval PeriodEighteenth Century Political Formation ,India and its Neighbors ,Indian Economics ,Indus Valley Civilization ,Introduction and Sources of Ancient Indian History ,Local and State Government ,Maps and Globe ,Motion of the Earth ,Natural Vegetation ,Our Country – India ,Population ,Solar System ,The Judiciary ,The Mughal Empire ,Union Government ,Water Resources.

13 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks
Skills You Get: An overview of C++

80 Hours

Physical Chemistry:

Algebraic Expressions, Arithmetic Progressions, Arithmetic, Direct & inverse variation,Mensuration, Percentage & its Application,Quadratic EquationsSquare Root & Cube Root, Surface Areas and Volumes, Trigonometry, Triangles Playing with Numbers, Probability, Number System, Exponent, Linear Equation, Circles, Coordinate Geometry, Basic Geometry

13 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks
Skills You Get: An overview of C++

80 Hours

Acid Bases and Salt, Cellular Level of Organisation, Carbon and its Compounds, Fibres, and Plastics, Diversity in Living Organisms, Measurement, Life Processes, Metals & Non-Metals, Human Body, Heredity and Evolution, Food Production & Management, Heredity and Evolution, Light and Sound, Magnetism & Electricity at WorkMicro-organisms, Periodic Classification of Elements, Our Environment, Motion and Force, Periodic Classification of Elements, Plant and Animal Nutrition, Physical and Chemical Changes, Work and energy, The Universe, Water, Structure of Atom, Soil, Source of Energy, Reproduction, Some Common Diseases

13 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks
Skills You Get: An overview of C++

80 Hours

Alphabet and Number Test Calendar, Time and Clock, Embedded Figure, Ranking and Arrangements, Water and Mirror Images, Coding-Decoding, Classification, Figure, Partition and Dot Situation Venn Diagrams, Analogy (Non-Verbal), Mathematical Operations, Series (Verbal), Series (Non – Verbal) Blood Relations, Direction Sense, Missing Character, Word Problem

13 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks
Skills You Get: An overview of C++

80 Hours

Abbreviations, Sports, India Books and Authors, Awards and Recognitions.

13 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks
Skills You Get: An overview of C++

Why do you choose doon toppers?

  • We provide interactive online and offline classes
  • We provide doubt clearance sessions
  • The faculty was very experienced and had different techniques for teaching.
  • We provide all types of competitive exam preparation t a low cost

Basics of drawings

Doon toppers keep you building your foundation in painting in just 8 weeks. In this, we teach you different techniques, classical drawings, basics of human proportions ETC.

Advanced Sheets Styling

Creating a generic style for an element or a class

Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor. In at dapibus massa.

Fundamental of prospective

Doon topper provides you with an 8-week course in which you deal with realistic and lifelike images. we teach you how to draw architectural objects, proper techniques ETC.

Adaptive layout making

Making Your Design Adaptive

Proin in ullamcorper urna. Sed tincidunt, nisl sit amet vulputate auctor, elit massa pulvinar ipsum

Analytical sketches

you learn an analytical sketch in just 8 weeks .thedoon toppers explain to you how to break any objects into basic shapes and build up a drawing with proper shading.

Moved the site to WordPress

Migrate your WordPress site in 5 simple steps

Duis luctus, est ut viverra convallis, risus erat convallis tellus, eu ullamcorper nibh eros

Environmental sketches

These are the main thing that enhances your painting skills .in this you will learn how to draw interactive flora and fauna, architecture, and geographical elements.

Editing and adding content

Add And Edit Content. Inline Edition. Seo tools

Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor. In at dapibus massa.

What early learners say about this course?

Course Teachers

Dr. Grover Wehner

Developer and Lead Instructor

Oleta Carroll

Web-developer, UX Architect

Dejuan Maggio

Mobile & Web developer

Steve Weissnat

Product&Project Management


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